It has been a while since I last watched to an anime series. The last time I watched one was when I was still studying in the college with my friends. So I tried this one called Ergo Proxy. Later it is explained that Ergo Proxy is the Proxy of Death.

Below is Re-l, the main character of the series:

Ergo Proxy/Manglobe - 2006

The story itself was not my type. To briefly explain, in a futuristic scenario, the world become very hostile and the few humans who remain lived in domes, similar to those from
Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within. To help people machines called AutoReives were build to advice and guide them. The people were more like consumers while the AutoReives were the working force. Incidents started to happen related to a virus infecting the AutoReives allowing them to have feelings and strange behavior and even to murder people they were suppose to protect. Well, Re-l, the character from above investigated these incidents and met different people on her journey, discovering the truth behind the domes, the creature called Proxies and even the truth about herself.