Hello World! As for now this site had only my personal stuff. My posts, photos, videos, shared sites, etc. I like to keep them visually clean. I hate sites with useless banners, headings, and other bullshit. But as more stuff are coming, I decided that I want to integrate many of the sites into one. No more navigating into different layouts and managing them. Thanks to Google APIs, RSS and Javascript it is possible to join the services into a single web page. It would save my time of updating the layout, images, style-sheets, formatting and everything. On the other hand it is good and I like to have a lot of sites to edit and create. I like their unique feel, each one of my site is a garden itself. They will still be there, specially because their have unique features. It would take me too much time to export Picasa Photo tagging, or Blogger Achiever. I already posted about how I manage my sites, but as for quick browsing I feel that is time to have a single place to centralize the information. That's what I believe...

There are new stuff coming this year too. I am creating a different label: "Hello World". In this label I will write about the stuff that is happening in the world. It could be anything, economy, fun, politics... I will try to share my point of view. There is one more new thing that I will start doing from now on: languages. I was experimenting the web translation but I did not like it much, since it is not as accurate as I hoped it would be. By the way the only reason I was writing in English up to now was because I thought the web translation could do a nice work. But it doesn't. So I will have to find a way to synchronize the English and Portuguese versions of my posts whenever possible. And all this new stuff will arrive in a new layout that I am preparing now. There is a preview in my
Google Pages. And soon it will be finished.

Last year I started to add my friend's shared stuff from Google Reader. I was just playing with possibilities, but I think that the idea was good and I will add it as a feature to this site. Talking about features, they are increasing. Last year I added Twitter and convinced my sister to add it to her blog. I have plans to extend its integration to my site, but I need to think first. Well I am not used to post much, even when I have something I want to post... I am very lazy to do it, although I like writing a lot. I hope 2009 to be a year full of things that matter. And short of things that doesn't. It means trashing the useless, cleaning it up!