Today I will gonna tell about my arrival at the USA.
Everything started when I left Campinas, my mother, my aunt and my sister came with me to the airport of Garulhos. I brought two bags, 32kg each and other two hand bags. In the check-in a very sympathetic lady was behind me and saw my whole travel saga between the two airports. Miguel arrived a little bit later and he came with his girlfriend and her parents. After the check-in I went to the Federal Station to register the notebook, but it was not needed because it is a national product. They let me through. I ate the dinner, went to the restroom and I was ready to go.
In the X ray line, I met Miguel again and they checked my hand bags, the notebook and etc. We waited a little longer and the time to go came. I saw someone I knew, Samuel, that works in São Paulo now, but I did not see if he entered in the airplane.
When the time came, I bordered in the airship and sat in the end of everything, in the last seat close to the window, me and Miguel. I believe it was the worst place to seat. Anyway that lady that I mentioned before sat in the other side with her husband beside her. She wished me good look kinda worried because she thought I was all alone. When the plane started to fly I said to Miguel that I was feeling lighter, but that was weird since I should be feeling heavier instead. Whatever! The people there served some drinks and three meals, a snack, a chicken breast and some fruits during the whole flight.
In the front's seat back there was a small screen so we could watch to some movies and see the position of the plane while flying. In the map we could also see the temperature of Chicago and the estimated time to arrival. Among the many movies I watched one with Brew Barrymore where she writes some music lyrics with another musician. There was also nine audio channels to chose among different themes of songs.
In the noon it was frozen cold, I was wearing a heavy jacked and Miguel used the plane's blanket. I could sleep a little, since I am good at sleeping, but Miguel said he couldn't fall asleep because he would not fit into the chair. And besides, there were always people coming from here to there and the restroom was close behind us.
When we arrived at Chicago everything was peaceful. We had to fill some forms and show our passports. After that we took our bags and go out. We went to Hertz to rent a car that looked like a pickup to me. A good thing around here is the GPS, you type the location you want to go and the route is calculated and displayed on the screen. Everything is automatic!
When we arrived at the hotel, we arranged our stuff. There was an old guy that was leaving the hotel with the tiniest short ever in that cold wind! Amazing! After that each one of us stayed in our individual rooms and I decided to go out to eat something. Near me there was a group of people with a very peculiar northeast Portuguese accent so I asked them if they were from Recife. The answer was yes, and I asked if they knew the people from Eldorado since they worked at Cesar. Well, they were three guys and a girl. Anyway I wanted to know if they knew a guy named Ernani. By asking I found out his hotel room number and after this conversation I dialed to Miguel's room and we went to the cafeteria again. Later we went to search for a department store to buy some stuff we needed and some phone cards. We headed for Wall Mart, walked around a little more and we returned to the hotel. Since we were rotten tired we slept deadly in our rooms. As a matter of fact, I slept until 2:45PM and started to watch TV. Miguel called me to have lunch and we went to Burger King. A Chinese man was taking the orders, it was hard to understand him. Well, after the lunch we went to Motorola, to find where it was located.
Back to the hotel, more rest... At the noon we headed to Gurnee Malls, a kind of big shopping center. We explored a place where they sell hunting stuff, they were selling bows and arrows, it was very cool and there was also a small lake with fishes in there. We visited the Nike store. In one of the corridors there was a movie theater and there was also an autorama place in which an employee girl had to take the cars that fell off the track while children played with them with some sort of remote control. Poor girl, doing that all day long. The gaming house had several games and also an entrance to play hockey. Oh, in this mall there was tons of guys wearing a marine uniform cloth. It seems there is a marine base near the Michigan's lake. I visited the GAP store, H&M, hmm... many other stores and I became really tired to see them all. Back to the hotel, Ernani called me and said we could go to his room so me and Miguel went there to meet him. I gave him some chocolates that my sister wanted to give to her boss. We talked and exchanged some hints.
The hotel's bathroom was very cool! I brought my shampoo, my sponge and everything I needed. I took a quick bath and then used the bath tub, it is very relaxing! There is a drying too so my hair is never wet at night. A gift of gods!
Oh, since the notebook is a national product so is the energy cable plug. I did not know how to plug it in the power source. Ernani had the idea to ask the lobby employees about an adaptor and you know what? They had one and I borrowed one. I left the notebook charging and used it later in my bed. The bed is very huge, I think it fits a family of three. It is also very soft! And since we have a wireless network I can use the notebook anywhere! But the chair of the desk is also super comfortable.
Well, in the next days I will be ready to work!