This weekend I moved all my web site to the Blogger format. But I did not do it alone, Google was there to help me in this task. I was trying to avoid moving my stuff to the world of the Web 2.0 or at least use it as less as possible. I like to be in control of everything, I don't like the servers to handle the information I create. It was not even my intention to move my garden to Blogger, I was just testing some stuff in Google Docs. I was surprised to see how easy it was to edit a document. Then I found out that every document that you create can be published in the WWW. And even more, they can be published in some blog servers. Then I gave up and created a Blogger account using my Google account and started to publish my old posts.
I had to face some challenges like how to deal with the dates. Most of my posts were from year 2006. I had to keep the consistency of the dates. But no big deal, you can do it on Blogger. The next thing was how to deal with the layout. It was not easy, but Blogger has a very cool template editor where you can edit its widgets. You can have almost the total control of the layout you create. So I used one template available and spent a whole day to customize it to make it look the way I wanted.
Well, Blogger is not a place to host web sites, but to host web logs, so it is not like you can build your home page in there. You don't have the control of individual pages, just the control of the template you will use. And since Google is smart, there is a very nice integration with the Google Docs. Every post I make is created and edited in the Google Docs. I have to say that this integration is not 100% perfect. I could not specify the title of the posts and the label to use. I created directories in my root folder to organize the documents and I also added dates in the names to organize the files in this folder. This file is called "071021 All About Me" and it is stored on the folder "Diary". The contents will be exactly the same when I publish on Blogger, but I will still have to edit the title and the label manually. I hope Google can automate this stuff in the future, it supports it but doesn't seem to be good yet.
To store images I am using the Google Pages. I cannot use the Blogger to upload image files, so I had to upload them in my Google Page Creator. I will probably be using the Picasa Web Album to manage my photos. So with these Google tools I created a mini portal to manage all my Zenith Garden. There is also YouTube where I post and link to videos! And Google Language Tools to translate my pages to any language, but this tool does not seem to work well too. Google Analytics gives me an incredible detailed report about visitors. It surprised me.
I have to think about it, Google knows all about me. iGoogle knows what I search on the web. It knows about my deepest curiosities. Although I do not use it too much, Orkut knows about my relationships. Gmail knows about the contents of my emails. Now Blogger/Google Docs will know about my posts, opinions and stuff that I decide to publish on the web. Quite amazing. Google rules all the text ads and with the acquisition of DoubleClick it will rule almost the entire virtual publicity out there. Google is now in the stock market so people will want money from it. I do hope that my privacy stays with them, although I know that they have the means to know a lot about me. At least in the real world it can't reach me yet.
Anyway, I am very happy with the power of the Web 2.0. The hard work is reduced a lot, I only have to worry about the contents and the layout. The rest, the hard and boring stuff, I will let Google to handle.